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02/02/23 12:10 PM #254    


Wayne Schuricht

HOLD ON TO YOUR HAT - SAVE THE DATE - LET'S HAVE A PARTY!!!  Plan to attend our 60th YEAR REUNION on Sept.15, 2023 at the VFW in LowerBurrell.  It will be informal, casual, and essentially free!  Cash bar and order off the menu.  If there is a charge for the room, we will ask everyone for a small donation to cover the cost.  Time frame 5:00PM till 10:00 PM or there about.  Please spread the word to classmates you know!  We are also planning a golf outing/scramble for that morning if there is enough interest.  No registration, but it would be helpful to know who will attend and if you are interested in golf.  Please notify me or Yvonne Pelino of your intentions.  My email is and CP 817-689-8640,  Yvonne is and CP 561-307-4177. This is it folks,  those of us fortunate to still be here are obviously pushing 80, how many more chances do we have.  And you can also reply on this site.  So spread the news, emails, phone calls, snail mail, facebook, twitter, TikTok and however else you can think will work.  More details and updates will follow, but we all need to work together to be successful.  I hope younz'all have a great coming year and hope to see you in Sept.  Wayne

02/02/23 08:30 PM #255    


Yvonne Pelino (Pelino)

YEP, we are doing this!  I will be sending n email to the current list I have in the next week or so. Again, please send us your current contact information, esp your email so we can get updates to you.  We look forward to seeing as many of you as possible.  And this year we will be back in the BIG room at the VFW on the first floor for easy access for those who may have difficulty walking or are in a wheel chair.  Direct all questions to Wayne and I.  Thanks and God Bless!

Yvonne Pelino

561 307 4177

02/22/23 01:54 PM #256    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy younz'all.  I hope everyone is enjoying their day.  It is Feb 22, which means our 60th Class reunion/get together is less than 7 months away.  Please save the date and let Yvonne or me know your intentions.  I will post on this message forum regularly to remind everyone and pertinent info will be posted here.  To date, I have received 5 -FIVE positive responses.  So that means, with the other people I know will be there, we have 11 attendees to date..  Obviously it is still early but we certainly hope that a lot more will attend.  Contact info for Yvonne and me is posted in earlier messages in this forum.  So, all the best, stay safe and keep in touch and SPREAD THE WORD to your friends and classmates.  I.E. post on your face book accounts, twitter, etc.  Word of mouth is very helpful!  Cheers, Wayne

02/23/23 11:56 AM #257    

Jackie Oliver (Cohen)

Hello classmates, I really would love to attend this remarkable 60th reunion. Unfortunately, even as I emailed you, Wayne, last September, requesting that you take into consideration the dates of the high Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, both in September, you have scheduled the reunion on the first night of Rosh Hashanah. A previous reunion was scheduled on Yom Kippur; I therefore requested your kind consideration for this occasion. Sadly, I will not attend. Jackie Oliver Cohen 



04/01/23 11:32 PM #258    


Yvonne Pelino (Pelino)

HELLO CLASS OF 63!  Be on the lookout for an email from my work email address:  Wayne and I are looking forward to hosting a Mini Class Reunion on September 15 at the VFW in Lower Burrell, starting around 5:00 PM. We will have the large meeting room on the first foor once again to accommodate those who are physically challenged.  There will also be a golf game that you can sign up for...time and place to be determined. Food and drinks will be on your own as usual.

If you did not receive an email from me recently, that means we do not have your current email address, so please send that, and any other current contact information, to me at my personal email:  We hope many of you can make it.  Let us know if you have any questions. Have a Blessed Easter and Passover!

Yvonne Pelino

561 307 4177

Wayne Schuricht

817 689 8640



05/01/23 11:38 AM #259    


Wayne Schuricht

MAY DAY - MAY DAY!!!  I still don't know why that is an emergency call (perhaps someone in the GREAT Class of 63 can edumacate us!!!).  Any way it is May 1st. Which means only 138 days until our BIG BANG Reunion on Friday Sept 15 at the VFW in Lower Burrell.  Pleas keep Yvonne or me informed of your good intentions (not cruel intentions).  So far we have about 35 positive responses, which is very encouraging, but we can do better.  And remember we plan to have a golf outing for those interested that morning,  Reunion starts at 5:00 PM ( that's 1700 for you military types) and will last until the last guy or gall standing - which at our age will probably be before 1000.  Our contact info is listed in previous messages - easy to find.  And you can always leave a message on this web site!  Looking forward to a great time.  Cheers!  Wayne

05/02/23 03:22 PM #260    


Tom Orszulak (Tom Orszulak)

Actually Wayne, 
May Day is an English mid understanding of the French 

word for help. aide pronounced aide and allied people thought they heard May Day. 

05/02/23 05:13 PM #261    


Wayne Schuricht

Thanks Tom, I knew someone would educate us.  So the term mayday is similar to the french term "m'aidez" which translates  as "help me".  Good info to know!  Thanks

05/02/23 05:21 PM #262    


Roger Loughran

Tom impressed me from 7th grade on with his wisdom and knowledge.  He continues to do so 60 years later.

05/03/23 11:32 AM #263    


Tom Orszulak (Tom Orszulak)

I wish it was wisdom but in the effort to creat new pathways in the brain to stave off rot, I have been using Rosette Stone in French. It's a losing battle. 

05/22/23 09:34 PM #264    


Wayne Schuricht

Sorry, but I have some sad news to share.  Steve Widmer passed away today at his home in South Carolina.  This was sudden and totally unexpected.  He was in good health and had no underlying problems except for high Cholesterol.  I spoke with Barbara (Lobur) and she found him lying on the kitchen floor.  He had just cut the grass.  I know this is tragic news for all of us.  If your are inclined please say a little prayer for Steve, may his soul rest in eternal peace!

05/22/23 10:40 PM #265    


Yvonne Pelino (Pelino)

So sorry to hear of Steve Widmer's passing.  Sincere condolences to Barb Lobur and his family. May he rest in peace.  

05/23/23 01:51 PM #266    

Jeffrey Stayer

What a terrible reminder that every day is a blessing. Steve Widmer and I were friends from grade school in Lower Burrell. Never knew anyone with a better sense of humor. My dad was close to his father and was a steady customer at the family's service station on Leechburg Road and Braeburn Road. My wish for Barbara is that the pain of her loss be replaced soon by nothing but good memories with Steve, like I have.

Jeff Stayer

05/23/23 04:51 PM #267    

Alberta (Jinky) Maxwell (Clements/Sapinsky)

I went to grade school with Steve all through to 9th grade. My dad and his dad were great friends and my dad only bought gasoline from there service station. Steve was quiet but a very nice guy. My deepest sympathy to Barbara and the family. Jinky Maxwell Sapinsky

05/24/23 07:18 AM #268    


Betty Horvath (Byrne)

So sorry to hear of Steve's sudden passing.  My sincere condolenses to Barbara. May all the good memories linger and provide some comfort!  It reminds me to live each day to its fullest and without regret!  May you RIP, my friend.  Sending prayers to Barb and family. --Betty


05/24/23 11:47 AM #269    


Barbara Vestrand (Shema)

I remember Steve as a sweet and kind person, just like Barbara. My sincere condolences to Barbara and her family.

05/24/23 12:01 PM #270    

Rebecca Tipton (Boland)

So sorry to hear of Steve's sudden passing. My condolences to Barb and her family. 


05/24/23 06:27 PM #271    


Roger Loughran

Again another shocking passing from our class of 63.  I remember Steve as a friendly and personable classmate.  Always positive and encouraging.  Barb and Steve shared and lived many great years together.  We are thankful for that but we also appreciate life.  Our thoughts, prayers and condolences go out to Barb at this time.  As Betty stated it reminds me to live each day to it's fullest.  Roger

05/24/23 08:15 PM #272    


Jackie Anderson (Donley)

I was so sad to hear of Steve's passing. I've know him since 1st grade. He was my friend and married my friend Barb. He was always kind to me. Our parents were friends. I'm really going to miss him. It's hard to imagine, he's no longer with us. Barb, I'm holding you, Jeff and Susie close to my heart. RIP my dear Steve.

05/25/23 12:01 AM #273    


Louise Hince

So sorry to learn of Steve's passing !  He was fun with that tongue in cheek humor  , in high school ! I'm so sorry for your loss Barb !   There are no words , just hugs sent !

05/25/23 05:35 PM #274    

Bernie Moret (Paulovich)

I am so sorry to hear that Steve has passed away.  My deepest condolences to Barb and their family.


05/26/23 11:46 AM #275    


Chris Dominik (Cross)

My heart is aching for Barb. Anytime I thought of Steve I would smile. He had such a great sense of humor. RIP dear, Steve - you will be missed. 

05/26/23 06:08 PM #276    

Robert Johnston

I am so sorry to learn of Steve's passing he was one good guy. Barb you have my sincere sympathy.

05/28/23 03:45 PM #277    

Peter Morgan

I am sorry to hear of the death of Steve Wilmer. He was a real pal and part of our gang growing up in Lower Burrell. My condolences to his brother Tom and his family 


05/29/23 02:16 PM #278    


Bill Baker


Sandy and I shared a birthdate, which was always a fun thing between us.  When I was expelled as a result of the "event"  in the auditorium toward the end of our junior year, I was a bit embarrassed and was not planning on going to our junior prom .  But Sandy called me and asked me to go with her. What a great jesture on her part. Rest in peace my friend.

Bill Baker


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