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10/08/23 12:14 PM #295    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy Yinz'all.  Just a quick note to fill you on the "agony and the ecstasy " of TKR or Total Knee Replacement.  And I know many of you can say been there - done that.  I have had a bum knee for several years after tearing the meniscus in my left knee while playing tennis.  Several years of PT, injections, braces, sleeves have ultimately had their chance.  The past few months have been a continuous story or intractable  worsening pain.  So after the reunion it was time to bite the bullet.  So the ecstasy was finally gettin'er'done!  The agony is NOW.  I am now 5 days post op and can say I think I have turned a corner.  It is to put it mildly, pretty miserable.  Thank God for a wonderful spouse, Joann, who is there for all my needs, as trivial as they seem.  Just routine toilet process almost seems impossible.  I am obviously hopefull the the end result will be worth the trouble.  So that is all for now, time to go do those damn exercises!!!

10/09/23 12:12 PM #296    


Angela Redding (Reiter Hill)

So sorry to hear about the discomfort with your knee.    It is good that you had this surgery now, not in the future.  I am hoping that the pain will subside and comfort will take its place.  Take care and listen to your wife.  I am sure she is able to diagnose how you are feeling.  Prayers for a speedy recovery.

10/09/23 12:47 PM #297    

Sharon Heister (Presken)

My sympathies Wayne!  I had both of my knees done, at the same time, when I was 60. A year and a half later, I had my right hip replaced and 6 months after that I had my left hip replaced. The hips were easy----the knees were horrible!   Eighteen years later, they are all loosening up a little but still letting me get around and I hope that continues!  The pain lasted awile with the knees. The hips only put me out of commision for a month and then I could do everything. I have no pain at all now, but I have slowed down  and watch how I move. Fortunately, you made it this long and you should be good to go for quite awhile. Hang in there and follow orders with your exercise.  It will really help!









10/09/23 12:52 PM #298    

Mina Stewart (Toole)

WAYNE, Hope you are doing better. It is a slow process. Living in bottom southwest Georgia, I don't home often. Take care. Mina Stewart Toole

10/10/23 06:09 AM #299    


Betty Horvath (Byrne)

The good news is the surgery is behind you.  I hear the painful exercises are the most important part of the recovery.  Wishing you all the best for a speedy, and complete recovery!  Prayers and healing angels being sent your way!  

10/10/23 08:35 AM #300    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Dear Wayne,

Wishing you the greatest success in your healing from knee surgery!  I have had both of my knees replaced and it was definitely worth the pain and discomfort which you are feeling at the pesent time.  Your PT is of the utmost importance and knowing you, you will move forward as a warrior would and come out of this period of time victoriously.  You are in my mind, heart, and many prayers for wellness and feeling good once again.  Please keep us posted as to your progress.

Many blessings and both you and your wonderful caregiver (your beautiful wife).

Love you from Ron and Fran

10/24/23 06:35 PM #301    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy All,  Just a quick note on my total knee replacement surgery.  Today is 3 weeks post op and I am thankful to say I am progressing nicely.  I must credit a pre-op procedure that is evidently new on the scene.  The day before the surgery I had a cryo-therapy procedure called IOVERA.  This entailed the anesthesiologist deep freezing the superficial nerves above my knee.  It was a relatively easy and almost painless out patient procedure, lasting about 30 minutes and I went home.  This treatment proportedly will last several weeks, during which time most of the post-op pain and healing will take place.  I must say that this is apparently the case so far.  The first few days were miserable, but rather quickly subsided.  One week post op I was walking with only a cane for assistance and had essentially full range of motion.  The PT working with me was astonished - he had never seen or heard of this procedure and couldn't believe my progress after one week.  My surgeon had only one patient previously who had the procedure, but who sang its praises to him as she had had the other knee done previously with the expected pain and rehab.  Joann, my wife, who has had both knees done also, is also amazed.  Hopefully this progress will continue in the coming weeks.  I only needed strong pain meds for a few days, and that was primarily to sleep!  I am now walking essentially without assistance but carry a cane just in case.

I am sharing this with you in the hope that if any of you need or are contemplating knee surgery to please investigate this procedure "IOVERA" and ask your surgeon if it might be applicable for you.  My surgeon thinks this might be a game changer for knee surgery in the future.  I sure am glad he ordered it for me, and that so far the proof is in the pudding.  Please take care and keep in touch.  Wayne

10/26/23 02:17 PM #302    

Sharon Heister (Presken)

So very, very glad that you are doing so well !!!!  Wish they would have had that cyro therapy when I had my knees replaced when I was 60!  I went through 3 months of Hell and don't ever want to do that again!  Would they have been able to do both knees if this therapy would have been available all those years again?  I would not advise anyone to have both done at the same time. I've done fine since then....thank you God!  Continue your good progress. Prayers still coming your way!


10/26/23 04:41 PM #303    


Wayne Schuricht

Thanks for your note And good wishes, Sharon.  Needless to say, my wife, Joann who had both her knees done, one at a time however, is voicing the same sentiment and it was  evidently not in the playbook 2 years ago.  I know she was miserable for weeks also, not just a few days.  And she also cannot believe you had them done both at the same time, so many years ago.  As I said, my surgeon thinks this pro-op therapy could be a real game changer in the future for knee surgery patients, especially if the results warrant continuing the procedure.  Once again, my PT therapists are all amazed at my results and I am very pleased and grateful!  Please spread the word to at least inquire about it if you are contemplating knee surgery!

10/27/23 03:38 PM #304    

Ann Bia (Rivers)

Hi Wayne! So happy to hear you are doing better. Annie

10/27/23 04:47 PM #305    

Alberta (Jinky) Maxwell (Clements/Sapinsky)

Hi Wayne,

 Thanks for telling us about the new procedure you had done for  your knee and so glad your doing so well now  too. Its bad enough having to get an operation and then having to be laid up for so long but glad you had this type and are doing so well...Take care my  friend... Jinky

11/04/23 11:45 AM #306    

Marnie Yinger (Sandham)

I love Santa Fe, NM.  After sitting out the COVID19 years on the Narragansett Bay, Providence, RI, it's great to be back in the mountains. From 25 ft elevation to 7,000 ft.  Remember Bouquet Hill?  When I was about 7 years old, I watched a wildfire on Bouquet Hill from my bedroom through my dad's gun sight.  I also loved going to Penn State in the shadows of Mt. Nittany.  

11/29/23 05:57 PM #307    


Wayne Schuricht

Greetings from Texas.  I trust and hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving with family and friends..

I want to share my post knee replacement with you.  It is now 8 weeks since my surgery and I am very happy and pleased with the results so far. I have not walked so easily and effortlessly and pain free in over 8 years.  I have not progressed to playing golf or tennis like I hope to as of yet, but just the ease with which I am now simply walking validates the procedure.  If you are contemplating knee replacement surgery please ask your surgeon about pre-op cryotherapy to help with the post-op pain and recovery.  Once again my procedure was called "IOVERA", but might have different names.  If you have any thoughts or concerns and would like to talk about it, please call me.  My number is listed on my profile page.

And now let me take this opportunity to wish younz all a very Merry, Blessed Christmas and best wishes for a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year in 2024.  Stay safe, take care of each other and this wonderful land.  Wayne!

11/30/23 12:38 PM #308    

Alberta (Jinky) Maxwell (Clements/Sapinsky)

Hi Wayne and everyone too,

Glad your so happy with your operation and sharing all the details of it too with us that might be having it done also. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. Take care my friend...Hugs, Jinky 

12/01/23 08:12 AM #309    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Hi dear Wayne and Classmates of 1963!

Wayne, I appreciate your update on your knee replacement and that you are pleased with the results.  It truly is a miracle what can be done for joint replacements, at this time, in the world of modern technology and medicine.  It takes courage to do what you have done.  You are an inspiration to others who are yet undecided.  Let us know how you continue to strengthen each day.

Thank you for your Thanksgiving and Christmas "good wishes!"  Ron and wish "all" a very blessed Christmas... one filled with love, joy, and peace!  Happy 2024 New Year!

Shalom and with love from Fran

12/20/23 12:05 PM #310    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy Yinz'all,  Joann and I want to wish everyone a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Very Happy, Prosperous, Healthy New Year.  Unfortunately my reindeer have frozen stiff and we are having trouble with liftoff, so we'll hav e to abort our flight back to New Ken for the Holidays.

12/22/23 04:26 PM #311    

Mina Stewart (Toole)

May you all have a blessed and safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

12/23/23 01:36 PM #312    


Chris Dominik (Cross)

Hey, Wayne - Maybe you deer need knee replacements. 😁 I'm happy to hear that tire doing well! Merry Christmas!!!

12/24/23 02:13 PM #313    


Yvonne Pelino (Pelino)

Does anyone have friends or family in Kansas City, KS? Looking for an air bnb to rent for a week in January or someone to visit my sister in a nursimg home occasionally. I want to wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year. I'll be working on a reunion for 2024, but got waylaid with a family emergency. Thanks for your patience.

02/19/24 05:46 PM #314    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy all!  Unfortunately there is sad new to share.  Our vivacious, fun loving classmate, Marilyn Harkins Claassen passed away 2 days ago after a long battle with lung cancer.  She died peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family.  May her soul rest in eternal peace.

02/22/24 08:59 AM #315    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Hi Wayne,

Thank you for the update regarding Marilyn!  She and her family are in my thoughts and prayers. 

I hope that you and your family are doing well and that you continue with successful results after your surgery.  You are in my prayers for healing and happiness.

I appreciate the way you keep everyone informed and updated.  Thank you...sincerely, dear friend!

With warm regard from Fran...smiley


05/19/24 10:41 AM #316    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy All from a sunny Texas.  My son Hans and I are both former US Air Force Flight Surgeons and proud to honor out troops on Armed Forces Day!

05/20/24 02:38 PM #317    


Barbara Vestrand (Shema)

Hats off to you both, Wayne! And thank you, thank you for your service.

My best to you and your family.



05/21/24 10:31 AM #318    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Hi dear Wayne!

Thank you for sending the great photo of you and your son, Hans.  We are very appreciative of all that you do to serve our beautiful country!

Enjoy this wonderful time of the year with your family. smiley

With warm regard from Fran

P.S.  Hoping that your knee is healing well!

05/21/24 05:26 PM #319    


Roger Loughran

Hi Wayne - What a great picture proud Papa.  From one Vet to another, best to you for a continued healthy year as we strive to make another one.  Roge

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