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11/30/23 12:38 PM #308    

Alberta (Jinky) Maxwell (Clements/Sapinsky)

Hi Wayne and everyone too,

Glad your so happy with your operation and sharing all the details of it too with us that might be having it done also. I hope everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving and wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas. Take care my friend...Hugs, Jinky 

12/01/23 08:12 AM #309    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Hi dear Wayne and Classmates of 1963!

Wayne, I appreciate your update on your knee replacement and that you are pleased with the results.  It truly is a miracle what can be done for joint replacements, at this time, in the world of modern technology and medicine.  It takes courage to do what you have done.  You are an inspiration to others who are yet undecided.  Let us know how you continue to strengthen each day.

Thank you for your Thanksgiving and Christmas "good wishes!"  Ron and wish "all" a very blessed Christmas... one filled with love, joy, and peace!  Happy 2024 New Year!

Shalom and with love from Fran

12/20/23 12:05 PM #310    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy Yinz'all,  Joann and I want to wish everyone a Blessed Merry Christmas and a Very Happy, Prosperous, Healthy New Year.  Unfortunately my reindeer have frozen stiff and we are having trouble with liftoff, so we'll hav e to abort our flight back to New Ken for the Holidays.

12/22/23 04:26 PM #311    

Mina Stewart (Toole)

May you all have a blessed and safe Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

12/23/23 01:36 PM #312    


Chris Dominik (Cross)

Hey, Wayne - Maybe you deer need knee replacements. 😁 I'm happy to hear that tire doing well! Merry Christmas!!!

12/24/23 02:13 PM #313    


Yvonne Pelino (Pelino)

Does anyone have friends or family in Kansas City, KS? Looking for an air bnb to rent for a week in January or someone to visit my sister in a nursimg home occasionally. I want to wish everyone a Blessed Christmas and a Healthy Happy New Year. I'll be working on a reunion for 2024, but got waylaid with a family emergency. Thanks for your patience.

02/19/24 05:46 PM #314    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy all!  Unfortunately there is sad new to share.  Our vivacious, fun loving classmate, Marilyn Harkins Claassen passed away 2 days ago after a long battle with lung cancer.  She died peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family.  May her soul rest in eternal peace.

02/22/24 08:59 AM #315    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Hi Wayne,

Thank you for the update regarding Marilyn!  She and her family are in my thoughts and prayers. 

I hope that you and your family are doing well and that you continue with successful results after your surgery.  You are in my prayers for healing and happiness.

I appreciate the way you keep everyone informed and updated.  Thank you...sincerely, dear friend!

With warm regard from Fran...smiley


05/19/24 10:41 AM #316    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy All from a sunny Texas.  My son Hans and I are both former US Air Force Flight Surgeons and proud to honor out troops on Armed Forces Day!

05/20/24 02:38 PM #317    


Barbara Vestrand (Shema)

Hats off to you both, Wayne! And thank you, thank you for your service.

My best to you and your family.



05/21/24 10:31 AM #318    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Hi dear Wayne!

Thank you for sending the great photo of you and your son, Hans.  We are very appreciative of all that you do to serve our beautiful country!

Enjoy this wonderful time of the year with your family. smiley

With warm regard from Fran

P.S.  Hoping that your knee is healing well!

05/21/24 05:26 PM #319    


Roger Loughran

Hi Wayne - What a great picture proud Papa.  From one Vet to another, best to you for a continued healthy year as we strive to make another one.  Roge

09/03/24 05:46 PM #320    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy from Texas.  Just had a great visit with Fred Grau and his son MIke.  Played a little golf and took in the Notre Dame / Texas A&M football game.  We had a great time and true to Texas sized hospitality allowed the visiting team to go home victorious and happy!!!!!!  Mike is wearing the gray shirt and my son, Hans is taking the selfie.  I'm sure you can recognize the youngsters in the middle!

09/03/24 08:40 PM #321    


Darlene Farkas (Sprowls)

Thank you, Wayne for posting the pictures of you, Fred, and your sons.  Thank all of you for your service and how wonderful to enjoy a great visit together!  Dsrlene

09/04/24 01:59 PM #322    

Alberta (Jinky) Maxwell (Clements/Sapinsky)

Hi Wayne,

That is a great picture of all of you and thanks for sharing with me....Jinky


09/07/24 11:44 AM #323    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Happy weekend, dear Wayne!

The photo of you, your son, and friends is great!  A joy to be with such good friends! smiley Thank you for sharing.

With warm regard from Fran...

10/14/24 02:34 PM #324    


Wayne Schuricht

10/14/24 02:42 PM #325    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy to younz'all from Texas.  Tom Orszulak, Harry "Buzzy" Woloson, and I just enjoyed our semi-annual golf outing here in Fort Worth and Tyler, Texas.  We are standing in front of the Old Carswell AFB Golf course Club house, which is now a public course.  We have come to realize that none of us is going to win the US Open at Oakmont next year, but we are going yo try to attend. the good Lord willin'!  Maybe we will see you there, or at least have a mini reunion.  Until then, please take care and watch your steps, cause a simple fall can be more than a simple boo-boo.

10/16/24 01:54 PM #326    


Yvonne Pelino (Pelino)

Hello Wayne et al!  Great picture of the 3 Amigos in Texas.  My sincere apologies to everyone for not being

able to pull a mini reunion toghether this year. I was flying back and forth to Kansas City for 3 or 4 months due to a younger sister who had serious health issues. Unfortunately, she passed away in June.  I'm also in the middle of winding down my full time job in advertising with Boomer magazine in Cleveland (soon to be rebranded as THRIVE after 55!  I'll keep about a dozen of accounts into 2025, but basically semi-retiring. I'm hoping to get back to my podcast FIFTY SHADES OF GRAY HAIR sometime in the next few months.  Let's look at getting together at the VFW sometime in April/May of 2025. If any of your contact information has changed in the past year, please email it to me at  My motto for 2025;  STRIVE TO STAY ALIVE:-).  Blessings to all and continued good health.


Yvonne Pelino

561 307 4177

10/17/24 11:36 PM #327    


Wayne Schuricht

10/17/24 11:41 PM #328    


Wayne Schuricht

Oops, I loaded the pix twice, But since I didn't add the story line, I will add it now.  While in Tyler we shared some time and breakfast with Classmate Bob Kautzman who lives near Long view, TX.  Bob is also retired after a long career working in the chemical industry in Houston. 

12/13/24 08:09 PM #329    


Wayne Schuricht

Howdy all.  I unfortunately have some sad news to share, our classmate Angela Redding Reiter Hill passed away a few days ago after a protracted battle with lymphoma.  She died peacefully at home surrounded by her loving family.  Her second husband, Ron Hill passed away suddenly just over a year ago.  He was a class of 64 Ken Hi grad also.  Her services will be this coming weekend, Dec20/21 at Restland Funeral home in Dallas, TX.  May her soul rest in eternal peace!

12/14/24 08:40 AM #330    


Frances Massi (Haradzin)

Dear Wayne,

Thank you for sharing!  Angela and her family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Christmas blessings and peace on earth...  

With warm and loving regard from Fran

12/14/24 12:24 PM #331    


Chris Dominik (Cross)

Thank you for letting us know, Wayne. I didn't realize that Angela had lymphoma. So sad to lose another of our classmates. 

12/14/24 09:16 PM #332    

Louise Hince

Angela and were friends in school and kept in touch over the years and at every reunion she came to !! Her talents at crafting wreaths for our doors was amazing!! I bought four .  Her bravery thru her battle with lymphoma was -Angela !!  Always a cute uplifting message every day ! I miss her gentle kindness already!

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